Let’s face it, moving is a major undertaking no matter what time of year you start the process. There are so many logistics to consider, from booking your moving company to setting up your new home. But how important is selecting the ideal moving date on your calendar?

Timing your move correctly is an important factor in this major milestone. There are some distinct advantages to scheduling your move during the summer season. From favorable weather to more flexible options, the summer can actually make for ideal moving conditions. Read on to learn about some of the top reasons why summer is a great time to relocate.

Sunny Skies

One of the biggest advantages of a summer move is the pleasant weather. Instead of trudging through snow, ice, or rain when loading and unloading the moving truck, you can enjoy warm temperatures and sunshine. This makes the physical labor of moving much more comfortable. Even if you’ve hired a moving company to do all the heavy lifting, no one wants to see their belongings carried through a rain or snow storm. It’s also less likely that weather delays or hazardous conditions will hamper your travel plans when moving during the summer months.  

Hoping to sell your home for top dollar? Explore these blog posts for industry-informed selling advice. 

School Is Out

If you have school-age children, their summer vacation makes for an ideal transition period for a move. You don’t have to worry about interrupting their studies, transferring them to a new school district mid-year, or cobbling together childcare and transportation solutions. With the whole family on summer break, you can completely focus on the moving process without disrupting your kids’ schedules. Once you’re settled in your new home, you can arrange a tour of your children’s new schools and take time to get them settled in their new routines.

Added Availability  

Since summer is considered the peak moving season, you’ll find that many moving companies increase their staffing to prepare for more business. This means you may find more availability and flexibility in scheduling your move dates. Conversely, during off-peak seasons, their trucks and crews may be more limited. As long as you book well in advance, you should have your pick of moving companies and move dates in the summer. Keep in mind that moving companies usually book the first week of every month so, if you know you are moving early in a calendar month, get your reservation booked early.

Booming Real Estate Market

In many areas, the summer months are also the peak season for real estate sales. If you’re buying and selling a home as part of your move, this increased market activity can make the transaction easier to coordinate. More inventory is typically available, and sellers may be more motivated to negotiate and close escrow quickly before the market cools off in the fall months. Real estate agents know that buyers with families want to close on a new home in the summer so that kids can start the upcoming year in their new schools. They often encourage sellers to get their homes ready for market late in the spring or early summer so that they can take advantage of the busy summer market. This means buyers often have the most market selection in the early summer months.

Searching for advice on buying a home? Check out these other blog posts for helpful tips! 

Neighborhoods To Explore

When moving to a new town or neighborhood, summer lets you better experience the area and get acclimated before colder weather sets in. You can explore local attractions, discover parks and recreational areas and learn more about your new town. No season gives you more opportunity to be outside enjoying community events and meeting new people. Many social activities tend to wind down when fall and winter arrive, so summer gives you a great chance to start settling into your new surroundings.

Hoping to move this summer (or in any season)? Discover Andersen Group Realty’s unparalleled services today. Click here to send us an email or call 781-729-2329 to get started.


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