If your home is currently on the market with little to no interest from prospective buyers, you might find yourself feeling increasingly frustrated as time goes on.  With your home lingering on the market without any promising offers, it can seem that it’s losing steam and that sale will never come— but don’t worry too much!
This is a common scenario and there are several steps you can take to breathe new life into your listing to attract more (and motivated!) buyers.

Evaluate Your Pricing Strategy

The first thing to reassess when your home isn’t selling is your pricing. In a competitive market, pricing can make or break a sale. Consider consulting with your real estate agent to conduct an updated comparative market analysis (CMA) to ensure your home is priced competitively. In such a dynamic real estate market, pricing changes quickly and it’s extremely important that your home is priced ahead of the market.

Oftentimes, real estate agents base their pricing too much based on past historical data as opposed to pricing the home based on the current market conditions. By working with a knowledgeable real estate professional who is an expert on the market you’re in, they will have their finger on the pulse of the market and should be able to advise you on what the correct pricing strategy is to get your home sold.

Selling your North of Boston home? Explore these blog posts for industry-informed selling advice.

Enhance Your Curb Appeal

In real estate, first impressions matter. Sprucing up your home’s exterior can make a big difference in attracting potential buyers. Simple improvements like landscaping, adding a fresh coat of paint, or even updating the front door can go a long way to improve your curb appeal.
If you haven’t considered the curb appeal of your home, there is the potential that prospective home buyers are driving by the home before deciding whether to view the inside of the property, and you could be missing out based on something that is typically an easy fix.

Declutter & Depersonalize

Your family photos may help you feel at home, but did you know that can actually hinder a buyer’s ability to see themselves in the property? Buyers want to be able to envision themselves living in a home, celebrating holidays, and making the space their own. That can be difficult with personal items and clutter.
With that in mind, take the time to clear your spaces of personal items and consider staging to showcase your home in its best possible light. Less clutter makes the home feel more spacious and enables the prospective home buyer to better envision how they can personalize the space to meet their needs. Having a room that is “too busy” is common feedback that we hear from home buyers and is something that can be easily addressed.
Want to know more about the value of staging your home? Click here to read our blog post on the topic.

Address All Issues

If your home isn’t selling, you’ll want to make sure you’ve addressed any issues that could be deterring buyers, including outdated fixtures, repairs, and maintenance issues. Investing in minor repairs and updates can make your home more appealing and potentially increase its value.
Before deciding to invest more money into a home that you plan on selling, be sure to first consider the return on investment (ROI) of that improvement. Your real estate agent should be a good resource for potential recommendations. You can also view our Annual Return on Investment Report to understand the average ROI for the most common home improvement projects.

Want to learn more about optimizing the sale of your home? Have a look at these other posts from our blog.

Be Flexible with Showings

You want your home to sell— so make it as convenient as possible for potential buyers to view your home by offering flexible showing schedules. Accommodating a buyer’s preferred times can increase the likelihood of receiving offers. Several of our clients decide to go away for the week or weekend to open up showing flexibility to provide as much access as possible, which can have a massive impact on how long your home stays on the market.

We’re Here to Help

It’s important to make sure you’ve checked all of the boxes if you want to ensure the smooth and efficient sale of your North of Boston home. You can count on Andersen Group Realty to provide you with a successful plan to make sure you find the right buyer as quickly as possible.
Not sure where to head next on the sale of your home? Discover Andersen Group Realty’s unparalleled selling services today. Click here to send us an email or call 781-729-2329 to get started.

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